Leverage robust automation and optimization capabilities

Vastly improve your transactional and promotional document processes and communications with Objectif Lune software.

Deliver speed, automation, and accuracy to business processes

OL Connect helps enhance your customer experience by reducing costs, time, and errors.

Organizations will be able to create, manage, distribute, and automate transactional documents—and deliver multi-channel, personalized, and interactive customer communications. Eliminate manual, paper-based procedures, and transition from paper to digital without overhauling or replacing your current systems.

Capitalize on the efficiency and cost savings delivered by business process automation, mail optimization, invoice automation, and interactive business communications.

OL Connect allows us to arrange recall actions within one day and ensure an optimal customer experience. It’s an invaluable part of our marketing services for clients.

Bart Jansen
Managing Director, Service Bureau Jansen (SBJ), Netherlands

Are you an existing customer?

Objectif Lune offers a diverse workforce and partner network based on every continent to train, support, and connect with you in your local language. Discover resources designed to create the ultimate customer experience.

Access the Web Activation Manager online portal to download and launch your Objectif Lune software.

Software Activation

Learn and resolve issues quickly through our product documentation, links to our Q&A forums, learning center and knowledge base.

Resource Center

Join the community and begin your journey of transformation with our tutorials and how-tos.

OL Learn

Get the best technical support

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. It’s why we are proud to offer OL Care, our world-class support platform for Objectif Lune software. OL Care gives you access to a dedicated team of technical experts and professionals to resolve software issues.

Learn more

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