Case Study

Cedarville University provides a top-notch student experience using online forms.

Cedarville University used FileBound to enhance the student experience by digitizing enrollment forms, identifying and helping at-risk students, and accelerating communications.

This Ohio university was using an unscalable, homegrown document management system. They needed scalable technology that gave them the ability to create online forms to capture content. They wanted their team to be able to streamline entire department lifecycles and eliminate manual, cumbersome processes that involved printing and storing over 22,000 pages of paper annually. There were also compliance policies to account for, since paper records like degree justifications have a permanent retention policy. In short, staff was becoming buried paper, and student-facing services were bottlenecking.

FileBound helped Cedarville University dramatically improve the student experience by digitizing enrollment forms, identifying and helping at-risk students, and streamlining internal communications to allow staff to spend more time working with and counseling students.

Benefits of FileBound for this university:

  • Instant access to student-related information
  • Increased level of customer service to students
  • Improved efficiency for Human Resources position requisition processes

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